Monday, May 25, 2009

Campanigans 3!

Well people, I must say that I am pretty proud of myself for keep up with a nightly type blog but I will tell you now, when campers get here I doubt this will continue. However, I tonight have another day of camp shenanigans to write about so let us get to it shall we.

Well today we had a lot of time to decorate our Bible study rooms and do various things dealing with our track times. I am teaching College students in Bible study as well as the Apologetics track and the Guys Track. As I was working on my apologetics track I figured I would search the web for a good video on apologetics and came across this one, , which is R. C. Sproul talking about how much importance we should place on apologetics. Now I will warn you that this video is deep and even gets over my head at times but I love R. C. Sproul and apologetics is all about the defense of the faith as Sproul says in the video.

After taking the time to go over our Bible study material for day three we all went to dinner and tore the CiCi's buffet up. The sweet tea was bangin and the Dessert and BBQ pizza was off the chain on some real (the ghetto way to say it was good). After we came back I had some more preparation time and I got my room decorated as well as some personal time with the Lord (or as Rick Pino says, the Lordy). I just want to put in a disclaimer that I do not like Rick Pino I just like making fun of him. Anyway sorry for the ADD moment but I am now back on track.

At 8:30 we got together in our awesome Fuge office to talk about nightlifes and my team is in charge of hang night (we are considering an open mic night, Bball tourny, etc.) and then we went into family time.

Family time tonight was extra special because we played the Newlywed Game and me and my "wife" (Jess) got a perfect score in the first round. However, in the second round we did poorly and did not win the game. There was an epic moment when the guys came in singing My Girl to all of our "wives" and it was definitely a highlight of the night. This was a time to laugh and just hang with the amazing staff that God has put together.

Lastly, I ended the night with an amazing walk in the rain. I was the last person to leave the building because I had to go back and clean up my stuff that I had left in my Bible study room from decorating. When I left, the rain was coming down somewhat hard and the lightning in the sky was gorgeous. It was like a torrential downpour but it was enough to get fairly wet on my gimpy walk back. As I was walking I just began singing praise songs and I realized that at this moment I am happier than I have been in a while. Even though I'm a gimp and even though I am going through long days of training I love the fact that God is in control and the rain reminded me of the power that God has. It's funny how something so simple can catch your attention but it did.

As I write this this evening I am really stinking tired and am getting ready to go to bed but I can honestly say that the ankle is getting noticeably better day by day. Keep praying that God uses this staff to serve and tomorrow I will have a story about serving in a soup kitchen. Peace out to all you in cyberspace.

No Limits,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I love reading your blogs. It is awesome to hear the "counselor's perspective" as I can sit and remember the way Centrifuge impacted my life as a camper. I can't wait to hear all the ways God uses you to impact the lives of these students. They have no idea what they are in for! :) And although I never would have pick apologetics as a track (haha) those who do, are going to come out talkin about apologetics in ganster terms. :) I love you buddy and am beyond proud of you!!

Miss you here on the home front. We are getting ready to sit down and enjoy some good ol' biscuits and gravy! Walter's style.
