Sunday, May 31, 2009

Campanigans 8

Well people I feel like I have been in Jackson, TN for quite some time now and it amazes me that I have only known my fellow staffers for like a week and a half. However, I am so glad that God has put this team together because we all get along very well. I have felt this blog is starting to become somewhat hum drum and I am trying to think of a way to revamp this and help my thoughts come across in a new way. I thought about a poem but there is just too much to talk about and be able to keep the poem going well and making sense. I also thought about how cool it would be to do a video blog every once in a while, but alas, I have no webcam and while I love all of my concerned listeners, I am not forking out the money for a webcam. So this leads me to a rap but again, like the poem, I do not think I could go for as long as necessary to cover all the information.

So here we are my friends, with the same ol same ol but I guess that's fine, I mean who doesn't love to read my witty intern banter because these are all things running circles in my brain right now. It's funny how I can rationalize things in my head and essentially argue with myself over things, it kinda cracks me up to think of myself arguing myself. Lord only knows that would be one heated argument considering how stubborn I could be. Me arguing myself would be a battle-of-the-stubborn-titans-who-know-they're-right and that would never work out. Good thing God only created one Jason Walters.

So enough with all of the rambling because when I go about writing this blog I just seem to start typing and what you all read is a result of my regurgitation upon the computer keyboard so to speak. With that said, never seems to fail, that I remember things I wanted to say after I have already posted my campanigans so no one is perfect and I am just elling you guys everything that comes to my immediate attention. Anyway, I woke up this morning as I do most every morning and got ready for breakfast. We then went to the sanctuary and filled out fun EXPENSE REPORTS. Honestly, if I could spend all of my camp time filling out expense reports I would love my life (I hope you hear the sarcasm in that statement). The only good part about the expense report is the fact that I spent $50 in gas to get out here to Union but Fuge is giving me $200 for my round trip. That means when it is all said and done, I will have earned about $50 just from driving to camp. That is a pretty sweet deal I can't lie.

After my favorite part of camp, we began to clean up the worship center and I took the position of holding a ladder while people climbed up to put black butcher paper on the windows to keep the light out of the auditorium. Let me just tell you, I felt awfully useful leaning on a ladder as a girl climbed up to tape butcher paper on the window. However, my scared of heights self was staying on solid ground no questions asked. After holding the ladder for a couple of hours we were able to grab our typical sandwich bag lunch and many of us headed back into the worship center to continue working.

The programs director had asked if anyone was good with computer programs like powerpoint and mediashout and I told him I would be interested in helping. After a bit of training, I am now the pro-presenter for the AM Show and for Worship services. What this means is that I sit back in the sound booth playing with the backgrounds, lyrics, and making sure anything that is involved with the media screens is running smoothly. Now while pro-presenter may sound like a fancy title, it is really the name of the computer program we are using. However, it was neat to sit back there and work with the program. As Mr Beck would say, let me tell you somethin, I really loved being able to be a part of the worship service through the media and production side of things. For me to be able to contribute to a students worship experience through visual media is an amazing opportunity and I am pumped about it. Continuing in this pattern, as my grandpa would have said, let me be honest and truthful, I get frustrated by churches who do not know how to flip a slide and me being personally ADD get very distracted when people are flipping all over the place trying to find where they are supposed to be. This gives me an opportunity to see worship from that side of things and I am excited to be a part of it.

It's cool to see how God works to put us in different situations in order to see us being used for him. Pray that God will give me the confidence needed to minister to the students that I am going to have and also pray that our team stays strong. I love my teammates to death and I know this summer is going to be a one of life change for me as well as many students.

Union Love,

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Campanigans 7!

Well guys I am sorry to disappoint you all with no campanigans but I will do a short recap of yesterday just to fill all of you anxious readers. Also, I want you all to be aware that these will not be as frequent after Monday just due to the business of camp and the sleep needed to maintain a high level of performance. That means that these might become weekly or biweekly and hit more highlights of the week rather than just the day to day activities. With that said, here goes.

Well yesterday was our camp day off, which was much needed, and much appreciated. I slept in till 10:30am which was awesome and then I took a shower and just lazed in my bed surfing the web for a bit. Then at 1:00pm we all went to lunch at Wendy's and came back to Union. When I got back I played a little disc golf on the random baskets that are dispersed around campus. It was really frustrating because I can't do my x-step for my backhand throws and that is so stinking rough so I didn't play for long. Then I did a few things in my Bible Study room and chilled till dinner when we went to Red Robin and I got the amazing Guacamole Bacon Burger. After dinner I ran back to Union, well I didn't literally run, but I rode with someone back to Union and got my truck. Then a bunch of us went to see Night at the Museum 2 which could beat Ben Stiller's highest grossing movie which to John Calhoun's surprise is Night at the Museum 1. I really enjoyed the movie and then we all came back and I got to bed somewhat early because I was exhausted.

Today we woke up and started training as usual but Kevin Spratt our camp director came in last night and will be with us at camp for the next couple of days. After morning devotions and other such activities we headed over to the worship center to hear about Crisis Management and Ministry through relationships. It was sad because we heard about the stats in the Southern Baptist Churches and how many students are dropping off the bandwagon after high school. Tonight we had Fazoli's for dinner and I just want to give a hand to our awesome FD (financial director) Danielle for providing such good food for our group. However that will begin to change when Union provides our food. Tonight after dinner we headed back to the office to talk about worship and the programming aspects of camp that we are going to have to deal with. Then we came back to do a scavenger hunt and if you are Leslie Hunt I ask you to stop reading here because I am getting ready to reveal the staff gift.

We went from station to station and since I couldn't run my group and I walked around the campus. In one station as we got on the ground, I saw a huge spider and I hopped up faster than a jackrabbit being chased by a coyote. I off course killed the spider and proceeded to do the human pyramid and when we had gotten to our last station we were directed toward the office. Now let me preface this statement by saying that every year Fuge gives away a big gift to their staffers. Also, Fuge has a contract with North Face and gets deals on North Face gear, so I knew it was going to be something good. We were all at the door and Jonesy our camp director told us to pull out our keys because we jingle our keys when we are getting ready to get free stuff. Also, I must say that Fuge gives away a ton of awesome free stuff, and before this staff gift I got, three shirts, shorts, sweatbands, a bracelet, and now our awesome staff gift.

As we walked into the office our camp coordinator, Kevin Spratt, also the guy I interviewed with, was sitting in a chair in the middle of the room. Kevin is also known as papa fuge and all around papa fuge were awesome North Face backpacks with the Fuge name and logo on them. There book bags are like $100 book bags people and they are stinking cool. I am so pumped and this is definitely what I was hoping we would get as staff. You will all get to see this sometime as I will be rocking it from now until forever. Thank you Fuge for treating us like royalty. I am so pumped to be here this summer. Hope this makes up for yesterday's lack of a Campanigans.

Union Love,

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Campanigans 6!

Well guys I must say that right now I am just totally exhausted and ready to go to bed but here I am once again writing my little campanigans. It's interesting to see just how much God works in and through situations and even on a pretty normal day like today, there is a lot to think about and a lot to talk about. It is also amazing to me, that I have been here a week tomorrow. Wow I have know these people a week and we have already seriously bonded. I am so excited! But anyway, here goes...

This morning we woke up and had breakfast and devotional time as usual. After that we got to go and work on our Bible study rooms and while mine is not the most decorated I think it looks pretty good. However, in the midst of creating my sheet for students to sign when they leave, I made a pretty big mistake. I got a bed sheet for students to sign and my intention was for it to say Union Fuge 09' and then Revolution, which is my Bible study name. However when I began to trace the outline I wrote Uoion instead of Union. I was so upset because here was my sheet with the wrong word on it in big blue marker. I sat and stared wondering what I could do and finally came up with an idea. I went down the hall and grabbed a friend Chelsea who is an art major. I explained the situation to Chelsea and I asked her if there was a way to draw a globe over this in such a way as to cover up the mistake. Chelsea in all of her amazingness fixed my mistake and my sheet is now AWESOME.

We ran through what registration will look like tonight and I must say that I am stinking pumped for camp. I am going to be playing games and getting to knw the students as they wait to go to the Track Time Show or as they wait for their Youth Pastors. Basically, this means that I get to get paid to be energetic and hang out with kids. I want to say right now PTL (praise the lord in Fuge language) because my ankle is feeling great. Today I actually walked around with no brace or anything. I am still going to have to keep up the strengthening and range of motion exercises, but it's getting there.

Also, today I got to share a little bit of my story with the team in my little share and prayer time. It was cool to look back at different situations and realize how much they impacted me in the past. As most of you would probably guess my share time went a little long because I like to talk just a little bit too much. However, when I was talking about going to Liberty I realized just how different my plans were Freshman year then what God had and than where I am at now. I went in wanting to play football, study history, and eventually teach and coach. However, now I love student leaership, I am studying youth ministry, and I want to be able to impact a generation of students for Christ.

Tonight we had a man night and we thought a lot about what we wanted to do but I was very pleased with our decision. We broke the guys up into groups. A group of five, which included me, went into out staff office and began making cards for all of the girls on the staff. The other 6 guys went to Walmart and got flowers, cookies, little Dove chocolates, princess plates, and tea candles and we put it all together as a gift to our amazing staff girls. It was so cool to see the girls come down after they got back and they hugged us and told us they loved us and it's neat to see just how close our team is already, and the summer hasn't even really started yet!

I am now going to wrap up this blog because I feel it is subpar. There might not be a blog tomorrow but it will just depend on what I am doing. Tomorrow we have a day off and the first thing on my priority list is SLEEP! Anyway, depending on how eventful the day is will decide whether or not it is worthy of a campanigans blog. Thank you for reading and I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am.

No Limits,

Campanigans 5!

Wow five campanigans already and it seems that I am getting more and more readers. Who knew my fun musings about camp would attract readers?!? Anyway, I will start tonight's campanigans with an interesting little candy that I found on the Internet.

I am a HUGE fan of gummy bears and I mean, who isn't? The little candies are so simple and delicious! Anyways, as I was surfing facebook I got an ad for a 1/2 pound gummy bear. A HALF POUND GUMMY BEAR!! ( This candy even comes on a stick so one can avoid the sticky mess that could ensue when eating this delectable treat. I so want to get one of these and I will sometime soon! Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know about the amazing treat that I happened to stumble upon the other day. With that said, it is time to get to my camping shenanigans of the day.

Today was a pretty ordinary day and it consisted of quite a long amount of time devoted to preparing for my Bible Study, Apologetics Track, and Guys Track. There are so many things that need to be done between now and when students come but I am so stinking pumped. I don't know what it is about the opportunity to minister to students but it seems that I am completely wired to do student ministry. For dinner tonight we all hit up Moe's and I got a homewrecker that as the burrito maker said was, "the biggest burrito I've ever seen." I honestly don't know why my burrito is any larger than anyone else's. I got your typical homewrecker except I added black olives. Who knew black olives could add so much girth to a stinking 12" burrito? I guess I think about these too much and if you are reading these on a regular basis and are wondering when in the world I will get to the stuff that has significance then skip to the bottom. I almost always save the super spiritual stuff for the bottom so if you don't feeling like listening to my ramblings just skip to the bottom. Anyway, when we got back we all headed to the office where our last day of Bible Study training took place, and here is where the spiritual stuff begins.

In the last night of Bible Study training we talked about Moses and the 10 Commandments. We broke up into two groups and my group discussed the first four commandments that had to deal with our relationship with God. Honestly, I had never thought through the commandments as much as I did tonight but there is so much to pull out. Our assignment was to put the commandments in modern language and this is what we came up with in slightly different terms:
  1. God is # 1 -- There are so many times that we allow God t take a backseat, however, God has to be number one in our lives. God should be the first thing we think about when we wake up and the last thing we think about when we go to bed. Now there's a challenge I know all of you readers out there think about my little blog first thing in the morning (only kidding). However, I know it is a struggle for me to check twitter and facebook right after I wake up and right before I get in bed. Our priorities have to be in the right place!
  2. God is our 1st Priority -- Honestly this isn't the way we put it but it still has the same principle behind it. God has to be before all of the junk in our lives. Our idols don't come in the means of golden calves but rather in the form of a girlfriend/boyfriend, job, money, or other such things. However, God needs to take precedence in EVERY situation.
  3. Represent His name well -- If I was to go into Chester, Virginia and get in some sort of major trouble, my name would be plastered all over the local and potentially even national news. This would now only bring shame to my name but to my whole family's name. This is what this part of the scripture is like. Many people just think of this solely as using a cuss word or something like that and using God's name in vain. However, as a Christians we have God's name all over us all the time. Every time we do something wrong we are shaming God's name because we carry the name of our creator. Just like I can bring shame on the Walters name, so I can bring shame to God's name through my actions.
  4. Rest in Him -- The importance here is NOT in the day. I mean if someone wants to make that argument then I could say right back that Jesus did not have sabbath on Sunday but rather on Saturday. Many people may not like the fact that I don't hold the particular day in high esteem but it seems all too often to me that Sundays are our busiest days. When I was a student in the youth group I was basically at church from morning Sunday school till like 8:30pm. The principle here is that we have to intentionally set aside time to be with God. Also, in the Jewish culture, this time is largely spent building family relationships. We have to take time out for a Sabbath with God and while it may not necessarily be on Sunday we have to have that time.
God has really been showing and moving in my life and right now I feel closer to God that I have been in a while. With that said, I need to go to bed because I am exhausted and I will not be displaying the love of God in the morning if I don't go to bed here soon. However I have one last thing to say. Tonight I was listening to the names people used for God in prayer and I realized that I often times use the word father when I talk to God. The reason this phrase is so natural is because I had an amazing relationship with my father and so it makes it easy to picture God as my father. With that said, I want to give a shout out to my dad who has been my inspiration to follow God in ministry and who has raised me to be a biblical man of God and thank you mom for always being there to be a comforting shoulder. I hope tonight's campanigans was not too unorganized or all over the place but give me a break I'm tired.

Union Love,

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Campanigans 4!

Wow, it's hard to believe that I am on number 4 of my infamous campanigans. Hopefully the word gets out about these and people can begin to read them more widely. I actually am surprisingly excited to write these every night and there is always so much that I could talk about. Tonight's format will be a bit different than other nights simply because I have a lot to say about a really neat, deep, and somewhat spiritually weighty topic. With that said, I am going to cover all the fun and lighthearted Jasonesque things that you have all grown to know and love.

First of all, I must say that Bolt is an excellent cartoon movie full of fun quips and clever dialogue but the movie would be nothing without Rhino the Hamster. Rhino is a hamster who has idolized Bolt for quite some time and eventually gets the opportunity to travel with his main man Bolt. I won't say too much because I don't want to ruin it for the rest of you but I will will give you guys one great quote from the movie. At this point Rhino is getting ready to join Bolt and Bolt is warning him about things to come. Also, Rhino is always in a hamster ball. With that said, here's the dialogue.

Rhino: I'm Lightning Quick, I have razor sharp reflexes, and I'm a master of stealth. Plus, I'll keep the cat in check.
Bolt: The road will be rough
Rhino: I have a ball.
Bolt: There's no turning back
Rhino: I guess I'll have to roll with the punches.
Bolt: I gotta warn you going into the belly of the beast danger at every turn.
Bolt: You Hungry?

Anyway if you want to see those clips check out go to We watched this movie during our family time and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of that.

With all of that said, I must say that today was the best day of training yet for one reason. This morning after some of our usual things that we do in the morning we packed up the vehicles and got ready to go out to do a service project. We had been told we were working with an organization called FICA which does a lot of work for the community around them and we were also told that we would be working in a small soup kitchen. In all honesty I was not really looking forward to doing this, which looking back, sounds awful. I did not feeling like spending my morning/afternoon in a small soup kitchen but God has a way of turning things upside down I guess. When we arrived I must say that my boisterous outgoing self clammed up in the midst of poor people who I had no clue about. As people came in and we began serving food I saw people for our fuge team beginning to sit and chat with people. Again, I must say that I was somewhat uncomfortable with the situation that I had been put in, but I stepped our of my spoiled little bubble and began to talk with people who were being served lunch.

The first woman that I talked to had hit a hard patch and even though she was working it wasn't enough to keep her afloat and in a home all of the time. This woman was full of stories of travel and even of getting to experience the Richard Petty Driving Experience as part of a prized draw that she had entered herself in. As I talked NASCAR with this lady I began to build up a little confidence and I began stepping out of my box a little bit more.

The next man that I talked to began asking me about football and I began telling him of my football history. He was a big giants fan and began telling the people at the table and I about the old teams and the current team and how the Giants had always been his favorite football team. He asked me what my major was in and I proceeded to tell him youth ministry in which he responded that I needed to stay strong because there are a lot of people in this world who need helping. Here this guy who was down and out on his luck was practically telling me to go out and help because those kinds of people had helped him when he was in need.

The next fellow by the name of Raymond Smith was a rather odd man who seemed to be a motorized bobble head but he was rather amusing. As I talked to him about his home and things he proceeded to tell me that he normally ate at the soup kitchen later in the month when his checks ran out because he didn't want to overstay his welcome. Apparently Raymond was living on disability and had been laid off. Raymond had lived in Jackson all of his life and he kept telling me how good the food was here and how I needed to work hard and keep my scholarships so I could do well for myself.

In the midst of serving these people who were smiling ear to ear, I was being served and stirred in my soul. I began to talk to Mr. Dan who runs the facility and he told me that this soup kitchen had served 51,000 meals in the past year and as busy as the place was today was slow compared to some days. Here was a man who gets nothing for what he does but he is constantly investing his life into other people. As many of the regulars left they thanked Dan and told him how much they appreciated what he did. The picture was never so innocent as an 8 year old kid eating a cupcake or the grandmother and grandson who came in while we were cleaning everything up looking for a piece of cake. Apparently the grandmother had frequented this food pantry for quite some time but was now far less reliant on the pantry to be able to live her life. Dan gives everything he's got day to day to serve these people in his community. Along with that, this food pantry serves lunch 365 days a year and dinner twice a week. WOW!

The last person that I talked to was probably the most influential person I talked to the whole time. His name was Orlando and he was a pretty clean cut guy who was just an all around nice person. I sat down at Orlando's table and began to talk with him as we got close to the closing hours. As I listened to Orlando's story about his victories over crack and weed and other such things I was amazed. This man had moved away and come back to be near his family but was living in a Christian homeless shelter kind of place. He told me about all the shelter did and how they had offered him a position of staff getting the men who stayed to do their "chores" at the shelter. Orlando continued to tell me it had been 9 months since he had done crack and how much that struggle had taken from his life. He talked to someone of the phone that he called his brother and I mistakenly took it as his literal brother but Orlando continued to tell me that I was his brother too and that he was blessed to have such people around him. This man was willing to accept and try to help anyone that was around him and he was reaching out the those who had gone through the struggles that he was finally starting to see victory in. He also talked to a friend on the phone and asked to call her back later because he was talking to his friend Jason. This man had no clue who I was but was willing to call me his friend. As we left I shook his hand and joked with him on our way out I told him how much I appreciated his time. No amount of me serving him food could pay him back for how much his story touched my heart.

I can admit that sometimes I look at poor people and think it is ridiculous because they just don't try hard enough but God slapped me across the face and refocused my attention on him tonight. Who am I to ignore people less fortunate than I? Honestly, I pray that the service project today and the passion that I gained from it will never fade because there are some genuinely amazing people who are struggling and crying for help. Thank you Orlando for changing my perspective and thank you Dan for pouring yourself out to see others' smiles because the joy in their eyes is what makes it all worth doing.

I'm sorry if tonight's was long but I have been thinking all day how much I had to write tonight. I can't wait to tell some of you guys this story in person because God really moved today. Continue praying.

Union Love,

Monday, May 25, 2009

Campanigans 3!

Well people, I must say that I am pretty proud of myself for keep up with a nightly type blog but I will tell you now, when campers get here I doubt this will continue. However, I tonight have another day of camp shenanigans to write about so let us get to it shall we.

Well today we had a lot of time to decorate our Bible study rooms and do various things dealing with our track times. I am teaching College students in Bible study as well as the Apologetics track and the Guys Track. As I was working on my apologetics track I figured I would search the web for a good video on apologetics and came across this one, , which is R. C. Sproul talking about how much importance we should place on apologetics. Now I will warn you that this video is deep and even gets over my head at times but I love R. C. Sproul and apologetics is all about the defense of the faith as Sproul says in the video.

After taking the time to go over our Bible study material for day three we all went to dinner and tore the CiCi's buffet up. The sweet tea was bangin and the Dessert and BBQ pizza was off the chain on some real (the ghetto way to say it was good). After we came back I had some more preparation time and I got my room decorated as well as some personal time with the Lord (or as Rick Pino says, the Lordy). I just want to put in a disclaimer that I do not like Rick Pino I just like making fun of him. Anyway sorry for the ADD moment but I am now back on track.

At 8:30 we got together in our awesome Fuge office to talk about nightlifes and my team is in charge of hang night (we are considering an open mic night, Bball tourny, etc.) and then we went into family time.

Family time tonight was extra special because we played the Newlywed Game and me and my "wife" (Jess) got a perfect score in the first round. However, in the second round we did poorly and did not win the game. There was an epic moment when the guys came in singing My Girl to all of our "wives" and it was definitely a highlight of the night. This was a time to laugh and just hang with the amazing staff that God has put together.

Lastly, I ended the night with an amazing walk in the rain. I was the last person to leave the building because I had to go back and clean up my stuff that I had left in my Bible study room from decorating. When I left, the rain was coming down somewhat hard and the lightning in the sky was gorgeous. It was like a torrential downpour but it was enough to get fairly wet on my gimpy walk back. As I was walking I just began singing praise songs and I realized that at this moment I am happier than I have been in a while. Even though I'm a gimp and even though I am going through long days of training I love the fact that God is in control and the rain reminded me of the power that God has. It's funny how something so simple can catch your attention but it did.

As I write this this evening I am really stinking tired and am getting ready to go to bed but I can honestly say that the ankle is getting noticeably better day by day. Keep praying that God uses this staff to serve and tomorrow I will have a story about serving in a soup kitchen. Peace out to all you in cyberspace.

No Limits,

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Campanigans 2!

So I have been at camp for 2 full days and move in day. I have to say that it is a little different than I thought it would be and most of that stems from the fact that I sprained my ankle about 15 minutes into the first day of staff training. For real, I was chilling with my camp director at the doctors office for like 2 1/2 hours. The funniest thing is that the place was called "Convenient Care" however the place was the opposite of convenient since Ashley (my camp director) and I sat in the waiting room forever. Anyways, when I came back we got to do other staff training things and I counted like 500 shirts for inventory. At night we had "family time" which is a time for our staff to get together and hang out and get to know each other better. We played catch phrase and like a little league baseball game in California everyone won.

A time that I have been enjoying is the jingling of the keys which whenever keys are shaken we get free stuff and already I have gotten a bracelet and a t-shirt. Today we had various bible study trainings and stuff and then tonight I got to run lines with the drama people since I can't do anything. I have earned the nickname hop-along and I sure hope that doesn't stick.

There are so many people here who I have really connected with and it is so cool how God can take a big group of people called by him and help us to work together as a team. All the people on the team have clicked so well and it's neat to be able to sit and have a spiritual conversation with anyone at any time and it never be awkward.

I guess the biggest thing I have been learning in my devotions and my time with camp is the fact that none of this is about me. The morning I sprained my ankle I had been praying that God make this camp about him and not about me and BAM it happened. I guess you get what you pray for and the fact of the matter is that God has put me right where I am to get me right where he wants me. The past two days it has been such a struggle to sit by and not be able to help with lifting things or helping to move things but the staff has been so helpful to me. Tonight we went to Walmart and I was motoring around on their little motor scooter cart things which was awesome. God is so above and beyond me and this camp experience is going to be all about his will and not mine. I would have never choosen to sprain my ankle and be worthless as far as helping with certain things goes but God has got me right where he wants me to do exactly what he wants me to do. Place no limits on God and He'll place no limits on you.

If yall could just be praying for my ankle and that our team is continuing to prepare for the students that will be coming June 1st. Lastly, pray that as I am preparing for the Bible studies and such that I am being sensitive to God's leaning. I am so glad you're all in my life!

Union Love,

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Hey everyone! Well this should be a happy time for anyone who reads my blogs because with me being at camp I will hopefully be blogging regularly about my camp shenanigans as this note is titled, campanigans! There are many many things going through my head about how excited I am to be working with my team here and to se what God is going to do this summer but this little blog will hopefully become a means for me to connect and share my times here at Union University with those out there in the world. Tonight is the beginning of more to come but let me just give a short run down.

  • Drove 6ish hours to SC to stay with my awesome cousins at my halfaway point.
  • Drove 7ish hours when I finally arrived in Jackson, TN at Union University.
  • Moved stuff into the awesome dorm. (I have a small room to myself, air condition, the dorm is brand new, and we have a kitchen!)
  • Went to dinner at "Coach's" house. (Apparently everyone calls him coach and he is a guy who has been at Union for a long time)
  • Met as a group and talked about any questions or worries, got to know some of the staff better, and found out our prayer partners or PPs for short. (I will have to do a blog on Fuge lingo because it's pretty extensive)
  • Went outside and did a team activity and prayed as a team. (We have alot to pray for this summer so if ya'll can pray and I will keep you all up to date of prayer requests.)

Jackson, TN is an awesome area and all of the people that are associated with Union Univ. are awesome as far as I have seen. I want to say in this first note that I have no doubt God is going to do some amazing things and I am just along for the ride that we call Fuge. This summer is going to be one of placing no limits on God because when everything else is put aside all I have is God. In order for camp to be successful God is going to have to be evident in and through our lives on a regular basis and without that realizeation, NOTHING can be accomplished through this camp. Your guys' prayers would be much appreciated and hopefully I can keep you all updated on my campanigans. Place no limits ya'll!