About This Blog

The name of this blog is Placing No Limits: Igniting a Generation of Uninhibited Youth for a very specific reason. When I was growing up, my dad always told me to "Place no limits on God and He'll place no limits on you."  That is where the title of this blog came from.  The subtitle basically sums up my purpose in life, that being to help youth understand what a life with no limits looks like and then challenging them to live as such.  As you look back at any of the early church fathers, you see people struggling against their humanity to live a life that is more Christ centered and that is what an uninhibited life looks like.  We are all in the middle of a struggle to show more of God and less of ourselves (John 3:30) and to live unencumbered by the people and things that surround us on a daily basis.

I want to challenge the readers of this blog to stop putting limits on what God can do a live their life as a clean empty vessel for whatever purposes God may have for us.